Kids can do more than we THINK


I am amaze at myself how I can hold my kids back. They are so much more capable of things then I think. While my husband and I had talked about what kinds of responsibilities we wanted our kiddos to help with in the house, I recall saying many times, “Is she old enough to do that?” or “I don’t think she can do that.” But we decided to push the limits we created in our head, and the results have been amazing! I am so impressed with their capabilities.

What I learned is my kids are able to do parts or  sometimes all of different responsibilities in the house. If I wait until they can do the responsibilities to completion I am not training early enough the heart behind responsibilities but focusing on the completion of a task. And truly the heart of being helpful and belonging to a household is way more important then being able to empty a dishwasher, because it is the reason why we do things in life that bring us satisfaction and joy.

This is a learning process for me! And while I am excited about the changes and improvements I WOULD LOVE to hear from you guys about what responsibilities (chores) you did as a child.

Sharing is Caring! Let me know!

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Published by RaisingRices

Raising Households that Serve the Lord! Our goal is that through family focused intentionality, legacy minded thinking, and being rooted in Christ, that we would lead our family to serve the LORD! Joshua 24:15

2 thoughts on “Kids can do more than we THINK

  1. As a child I weeded in the flowerbeds, folded laundry, helped my mom grocery shop, polished the wood floors and did the dishes.

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