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Season 1 Ep 1 Who We Are

Welcome to the Raising Rices Podcast where we are excited to talk about raising households that serve the Lord. On today’s podcast we are going over Who We Are, and how this podcast will be covering our convictions, character, and challenge all within a 20-minute format.

We feel it is important to be able to give you wisdom to encourage you in your parenting journey, and yet at the same time knowing that it is impossible to give you ALL the information required to decide for your own family what fits best. This is for many reasons:

  1. First, YOU MUST devote yourself to prayer and searching the scriptures in order that you may feel confident in standing for your convictions. Truly the only way that you will follow through is if you are committed because the Holy Spirit as convicted you (Not Darren and Marissa’s ideas but the Holy Spirit.)
  2. YOU MUST connect with and decide together as a marriage TEAM. We firmly believe it is the role of both married parents to come together, through prayer, scripture reading and conversation to reflect and decide on what values, convictions, and application for your OWN family.
  3. We know every family make-up is different and uniquely designed. There is so much beauty in us not being that same but that doesn’t mean we can’t encourage one another while remembering we are responsible and will answer to God for our own leading of our family. So, there is tons of grace and yet we chose not to be passive but to dive into conversation which ultimately begins and ends with: love. We love our brothers and sisters in Christ deeply. Deep love that is not passive but active in encouragement towards being like Christ and deep love that knows we are all on our own journey. To say it in a nutshell, we want you to: “Come as you are but leave closer to Christ.”

Our biggest prayer is that through these podcasts you will be strengthen in your spiritual relationship, your marriage relationship, and your parenting journey (yes, it is a journey! So, let’s not travel alone.)

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