Children – Eyes to See


Isn’t is sad the thing we can overlook. I love to see new things through my children’s eyes. Just the other day there was a beautiful fog among the trees on the hill that I wouldn’t have even seen if it wasn’t for my daughter pointing it out. She thought the tree must be on fire since there was “smoke” and in that statement it caused me to look and reflect. (And to explain the difference between fog and smoke 🙂 )


What a beautiful creation we live in! God’s artistry shows His glory! As we go through our days I pray that I will remember to not just admire the beauty myself but to echo my thoughts in my head out loud so that my kids can admire His beauty, and ultimately His glory!

I want to encourage myself to use words like:

“Isn’t God’s creation beautiful!”

“God has such a wonderful way of revealing His Glory in creation!”

“Look at the care God took when he created this place!”

“Our God is great and his creation Sings His praise!”



Exodus 33:18 Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”

Dear Lord, I pray you would help my children see your Glory all around them. From creation of the earth to the people you have placed in our lives to love and care for, I pray we would see your Glory! I pray you will help me provide explanations especially while they are young to show and direct them to Your creation and Glory! I pray these praises of you will be on my lips! 

Join me in giving credit to where it is due, and helping our children start to see glimmers of God in his creation!

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Published by RaisingRices

Raising Households that Serve the Lord! Our goal is that through family focused intentionality, legacy minded thinking, and being rooted in Christ, that we would lead our family to serve the LORD! Joshua 24:15

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